Pers- en spreekbeurten met marieke Meulemans
CEO en oprichter van GCP Central, Marieke Meulemans, spreekt regelmatig in Europa bij industriële evenementen, belangenorganisaties, universiteiten, non profit instellingen en zakelijke bedrijven.
Marieke Meulemans heeft GCP Central in 2012 opgericht en is de drijvende kracht achter de duidelijke visie die het bedrijf heeft. Zij heeft gezondheidswetenschappen gestudeerd en heeft meer dan 15 jaar ervaring in de life science industrie. Doordat ze heeft gewerkt voor de top 50 bedrijven in de farmaceutische industrie, CROs en trainingen heeft gemaakt voor klinisch onderzoek voor academische ziekenhuizen, heeft ze goede kennis van regelgeving opgebouwd. Deze kennis combineert zij met haar ervaring met strategisch leermanagement en innovatieve online leermethodes. De missie van Marieke is om GCP-kennis een belangrijk onderdeel te maken van de dagelijkse praktijk en de kwaliteit van onderzoek te verbeteren. Ze wil de achterhaalde jaarlijkse GCP training vervangen door een vooruitstrevende continue leermethodiek in de life sciences industrie.
Haar passie om GCP training toegankelijk te maken voor druk belaste professionals en haar wens om die eindeloze powerpoints in benauwde trainingslokalen achter zich te laten, maakt haar een boeiende en bevlogen spreker. Marieke’s unieke presentatiestijl en enthousiasme en expertise in klinisch onderzoek zullen flair geven aan uw volgende conferentie of webinar.
Taal: Nederlands, Engels
Marieke’s discussies hebben betrekking op verschillende onderwerpen, waaronder:
Hoe je GCP kennis tastbaar kan maken voor je (site) medewerkers
- De toekomst van GCP training
- De impact van GCP kennis op de kwaliteit van klinisch onderzoek
- Hoe je de smartphone en tablet kan inzetten bij GCP training
- Crowdfunding campagnes
- Hoe je met succes een startup in klinisch onderzoek kan opzetten

- SPEAKER: “The Latest Dose: Facilitate Clinical Research in Europe.”
Oracle Podcast, March 28, 2022. Hosted by Katherine Vandebelt, with Sebastian Payne of Deloitte
Marieke Meulemans discusses with an expert panel how the implementation of streamlined regulatory processes will benefit patient health and clinical research in the European Union.
- SPEAKER: “How to Avoid Significant Delays in Multi-country Studies Due to EU 536/2014 Clinical Trial Regulation”
Xtalks Webinar, January 27, 2022. Co-panelists: Pierre Omnes (Syneos Health), Paulien Nuyts (Deloitte), Leona Fitzgerald (ACRO), Sylvia Mareki (EMD Serano), Elvin Thalund (Oracle Health Services).
A discussion panel on the EU 536/2014 regulation and the essential changes that businesses must make to avoid delays in clinical trials. - PRESS: Are you ready? EU’s Clinical Trials Regulation and portal goes live 31 January
Clinical Trials Arena, January 27, 2022. Article by Reynald Castañeda and William Newton
Marieke was interviewed by Clinical Trials Arena over the implementation of EUCTR, and the impact of CTIS on clinical trials. - SPEAKER: Webinar – “Sind Sie auf CTIS und CTR vorbereitet?”
Forschungsdock, 21 November and 16 December, 2021
Marieke presented on the essentials to be ready for the implementation of CTIS and EU CTR. - PRESS: Interview met Marieke Meulemans, directeur GCP Central en lid EMA CTIS Training Expert Group
Dutch Clinical Research Foundation (DRCF) Online, December 15, 2021
In this Dutch language interview, Marieke Meulemans was interviewed to share her experiences with the European Clinical Trial Regulation (EU CTR) and the associated Clinical Trial Information System (CTIS).
- SPEAKER: “Najaarsbijeenkomst Vereniging Farma & Recht (virtual) – De Europese verordening voor klinisch geneesmiddelenonderzoek (ECTR) Zijn we er klaar voor?”
VFENR – Dagvoorzitter(Chairman), November 25, 2021
Chair for the symposium. - SPEAKER: “EU CTR and CTIS. Ready or not… here it comes!”
Podcast for EUCROF Events & Training Working Group. 19 November 2021 Guest speaker: Sebastian Payne of Deloitte.
In this podcast, Marieke is joined by Sebastian Payne of Deloitte to discuss the questions raised during the recent “EMA Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) – Be Ready Before It Goes Live” webinar and the benefits for clinical research organisations. - SPEAKER: “Online Najaarssymposium Over CTR”
ACRON/DCRF 11 November, 2021 November, 2021 – Chairman/Dagvoorzitter
Interviewer/Chair for the symposium. - PRESS: “Implementatie ECTR; een goede voorbereiding is het halve werk”
- Article by Vereniging Innovatieve Geneesmiddelen, October 5 2021.
In this Dutch language article, Marieke discusses the importance of organizations being prepared for both VGO and the introduction of the CTIS portal in the EUCTR. - SPEAKER: Webinar “EMA Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS)”
ACRON and VIG, 24 August and 16 September, 2021.
Marieke Meulemans (GCP Central and also reviewer of the EMA CTIS training courses) shows which training programs are currently available, where they can be found and supports the preparation of CTIS with useful tips and practical information. - SPEAKER: “EMA Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) – Be ready before it goes live”
EUCROF Webinar, April 26th, 2021
Marieke navigates those involved in clinical trials through the new EMA training program, and where to find relevant training materials, and helps with preparing teams on how to use CTIS. - SPEAKER: “European Clinical Trial Regulation (ECTR) and Medical Device Regulation (MDR)”
Panelist at the EU Site Solutions Summit, April 21, 2021. Co-Panelists: Rianne Tooten and Isabelle van der Haegen. Facilitator: Vivienne van der Walle.Marieke and co-panelists discussed the upcoming changes to regulations and clinical trials, and the key points to remember during this lively panel.
- SPEAKER: “Innovative Online Learning Methods to Train Clinical Staff Effectively And Ensure Compliance: Is Continuous Learning The Answer?”
Webinar for the United Conference of Clinical Trials and Clinical Research, April 15, 2021In this webinar, Marieke spoke of how to drive better quality clinical research through continuous learning, and how this can save time and money, and reduce the risk of non-compliance.
- SPEAKER: “Effective Edutcation Methods For A GMP & GLP Compliant Workforce”
United Conference on Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, Live Webinar April 7, 2021
In this live webinar, Marieke shared compliance and education tips for the GMP & GLP workforce. - SPEAKER: “Computerized System Validation in Clinical Research 101: An Insightful Webinar Based on Our Own Validation Experience”
EUCROF, 16 September 2020
Marieke presented the challenges and learning moments of GCP Central as they went through the validation process for myGCP with EUCROF in this engaging webinar. - SPEAKER: “Computerized System Validation in Clinical Research 101: An Insightful Webinar Based on Our Own Validation Experience”
Presenter, May 2020
Validation of software tools in the conduct of clinical trials is a requirement described in the ICH-GCP guideline, applicable to drug research globally, and implemented in local legislation, including the EU legal framework and the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Marieke Meulemans guides you through the experiences of GCP Central as they completed the validation process for myGCP. - PRESS: Marieke Meulemans Treedt Toe Tot Eucrof Events & Training Working Group.
ACRON website, 2 June, 2020 Article by ACRONGCP Central hosted a webinar for EUCROF “How To Navigate Your Clinical Trials In The Time Of Corona”. In this article, (Dutch language), it discusses Marieke’s development of learning sessions for the EUCROF Events & Training Working Group.
- SPEAKER: Webinar- “Continuous Learning: How You Can Drive Better Quality Clinical Research And Learning Retention With Continuous Learning”
GCP Central Webinar, November 2019.Continuous learning is the way of the future. Explore how your company can respond faster and more flexibly to industry changes with host Marieke Meulemans of GCP Central.
- SPEAKER: DCRF Jaarcongres – Launch of the DCRF Academie
Dutch Clinical Research Foundation, 26 & 27 June, 2019.
Annelies van Woudenberg (DCRF) and Marieke Meulemans (GCP Central) presented the first training offered by the DCRF Academy: the e-learning about ECTR, the new European legislation for setting up and conducting clinical research with medicines.
- Nov 23, 2018 – Marieke was interviewed at the Week van de Ondernemer event in Amsterdam Discover more here…
- Nov
20 2018 – CEO Marieke wasguest speaker atthe the NVFG ClinOps meeting, discussing the requirements for the GCP Training Mutual Recognition Program of Transcelerate - DCRF Conference 2017 – Marieke was guest speaker together with Annelies van Woudenberg (DCRF) giving a workshop about managing the change towards the ECTR implementation
- July 20, 2017 – DCRF and GCP Central sign partnership for the development of the ECTR e-learning
GCP Central werd in 2012 opgericht en introduceerde een moderne aanpak van GCP training via het online leerplatform myGCP. We beseffen heel goed dat klinisch onderzoek professionals niet altijd de tijd kunnen vrijmaken om eindeloze PowerPointpresentaties of ellenlange e-learningteksten door te worstelen. Daarom bieden we klinisch onderzoekers een platform aan waarmee ze GCP kennis letterlijk constant bij de hand hebben en eenvoudig up-to-date kunnen blijven, waar en wanneer ze maar willen.

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