Mobile learning is in the spotlight, with the demand for fast, interactive and scalable education is on the increase. As we roll into 2019, we take a look at our crucial top trends for mobile learning.

New advances in educational technology are no longer confined to desktop and laptop, today, e-learning happens quicker and more efficiently than ever before.

Mobile learning has been on the rise since the early 2000s, where technology has evolved into mobile learning, secure and accessible to all who own a smartphone.

Rich, interactive features can be used to provide learners with a holistic and modern learning experience, which is used as a stand-alone or in combination with classroom or online learning.

Why GCP Central loves mobile learning

mobile learning

# 1 Mobile micro-assessments

Once you’ve attended your annual, mandatory company training seminar, how many people just put their notebook in their desk and when it will be around again?

We love the micro-assessment trend because it promotes continuous learning and knowledge retention. It keeps the things you know fresh in your mind.

Organizations are beginning to adopt the micro-assessments approach. By allowing workers to complete short multiple choice assessments on their smartphone devices or all year round in bite-size chunks, it makes knowledge more relevant to their everyday tasks.

# 2 Video-based learning

Video learning has already proven its importance, as it is one of the most crucial elements in the success of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) like Lynda and Coursera, and will be on the rise from 2019 and beyond. It is a current approach as well as globally adopt the process, recording lectures, lessons and using video conferences for training.

Video can be used for the demonstration of procedures and how-to-manuals. Millennials already often learned by using videos for quick education, the next generation, Generation Z, have used the internet since a young age and are fully comfortable with mobile technology. Independent if they want to learn how to get to the next level of Fortnight, or get instructions on how to complete a CRF, they will look it up on Youtube. With Generation Z coming to the workforce, video learning is here to stay.

# 3 Microlearning

Microlearning was a buzzword in 2018. We have seen organizations to be looking for and adopting micro-learning as an important solution and that’s why it’s on our list.

Microlearning can take the form of small games, quizzes, and other small interactive learning units and can be implemented across all devices – it’s on the rise for 2019 and beyond.

It is a great method of implementing learning in both objective driven and short-term-focused strategies for example for skill development. The small learning chunks can easily be deployed within organizations.

Not everyone knows about mobile learning

Despite our love for mobile learning, not everyone knows about the potential use of their staff.

A recent study showed that smartphone users spent on average 75 hours a month (every 12 minutes) searching the internet, using social networks and watching videos, so that we should use it for educational learning.

As providers of modern Good Clinical Practice training, we know only too well the benefits. myGCP was developed as a “mobile first” learning platform, which makes it fully adapted for mobile use as a desktop and device. The addition of our myGCP app will help you keep up to date on the go.

Our top benefits for mobile learning

  • Time efficient, learn when it’s convenient to do, on the go and fully flexible.
  • Access and engage with knowledge when you need it. Easy to reference content.
  • Notifications can alert you when you need to go back and help you keep on top.
  • It facilitates your overall learning experience and ensures the retention of knowledge.

If you want to discover more about our passion for GCP e-learning and the positive impact it can have for organisaties and users, read our recent blog 5 Reasons Why e-learning is the new modern classroom

Is mobile learning something you’d like to explore further? Let GCP Central show you how our modern GCP e-learning system saves your organization in the management or GCP compliance and you’ll get on with the important parts of your job.  Contact us here. Â