door GCP Central | apr 11, 2019 | GCP Central nieuws
Earlier this month (after months and months of preparation) we finally relaunched GCP Central with a fresh new look and a brand new website. It all started in September last year when we decided that after nearly 7 years, the brand no longer matched the business...
door GCP Central | mrt 22, 2019 | GCP Central nieuws
In January 2019 we wrote an article about what it means when a training provider claims to have “TransCelerate acknowledged” GCP training. The article sparked lots of interest from our community; with many people responding, engaging and echoing the...
door GCP Central | feb 15, 2019 | GCP Central nieuws
Are you looking for a job in clinical research? Then increase your chances on the labor market with a Blended WMO / GCP course. Though our unique didactic training method, we ensure that you achieve your goals. Blended The WMO / GCP training is accessible, interactive...
door GCP Central | jan 31, 2019 | GCP Central nieuws
In the world of Good Clinical Practice, what does it mean when a Training Provider claims to have “TransCelerate acknowledged” GCP training? Our questionnaire shows not many investigators, CRAs and site staff are aware of the existence and added value....
door GCP Central | jan 10, 2019 | GCP Central producten
Mobile learning is in the spotlight, with the demand for fast, interactive and scalable education is on the increase. As we roll into 2019, we take a look at our crucial top trends for mobile learning. New advances in educational technology are no longer confined to...
door GCP Central | dec 31, 2018 | GCP Central nieuws
Editorial Note: This blog is the first in a new series from GCP Central where we bring you stories and experiences from behind the scenes. Stay tuned to learn more! Earlier this year we announced our exciting plans to launch internationally .ย We started in October by...