Our learning environment is getting more and more shape! Together with our partner BeSpeak we will design a GCP platform where you will find GCP training, cases, news and GCP experiences of others.
From February 2015 you can put together your own GCP training through a personal account. You can choose cases that fit your daily practice and do the training at any time. Even after you have completed the training, you can always log in again to learn GCP in a different role, for example as a doctor, nurse or auditor; or to ask questions to other researchers and research professionals.
A case consists of various methods to actively learn
Choose a case that fits your daily practice
You will find further practical GCP tools, news from the ‘ field ‘ and many other extras.
Read here more about the features of our learning environment.
See the impact of your decision in the case on GCP “indicators”
Do you want to help build this platform? You can. We are looking for people who want to share their knowledge and experience on the blog or to think about the content of the cases. Do you want to help or do you want to know more about the learning environment? Then contactMarieke.