In the current COVID-19 crisis, research has taken a central focus, and a lot of other studies have been halted. Frontline teams are now working on saving lives, and others are researching the treatments for coronavirus.

More importantly, the need for organizations to be up to date with GCP training is crucial. With social distancing policies in place, this sees the need for practical and efficient online learning to become more critical than ever.

The need for innovation

The World Health Organization is beginning to put more emphasis on finding drugs and treatments for COVID-19 with the announcement of a multi-arm, multiple countries clinical trial. This will focus on potential coronavirus therapies. There is now a critical, universal need to be Good Clinical Practice ready. Not following guidelines can cause delays in studies, and worse, delays bringing vital treatments to the market.

Limitations on classroom learning and a shortage of trained staff in all areas of clinical research mean resources are scarce. There is also an extreme time pressure to find solutions for the crisis.

More and more people are turning to the option of online training to ensure they remain GCP compliant. With professionals now limited for time, a modern, efficient system with the latest updates becomes crucial.

Why you need online training solutions now

1. Innovation is crucial to business longevity

No one saw this crisis coming. We focused on our daily business, and things were going as slow and as fast as they used to. This crisis challenges the pace of innovation and digitalization and shows why learning and training should become digitalized.

In this digital age, no business can afford to be a “non-learning company.”

In a survey, 52% of HR professionals interviewed believed their company wouldn’t exist in 10 years if no investment is made in the development of their staff.

Learning and development is a crucial part of employer branding and a prerequisite for the new generation when choosing your company as an employer.

Your employer brand is reflected by not only your online presence, but the online services you provide to your employees. It isn’t just your first point of contact, but ongoing communication, both internally and externally. The services you provide for online training also create a considerable impact on potential employees and their applications.

2. A learning mind is a crisis-proof mind

Investing in the continuous development of your staff converts their thinking into a flexible and adaptive mindset.

Exactly the skills you need as a professional in times of a crisis like COVID-19. You want your team to be flexible and ready to tackle challenges using the skills that they have learned, and rest assured that they are continuously up-to-date with their knowledge.

3. Working from home frees up time for professional education

Because of the COVID-19 virus, most professionals are working from home, and we all need to become used to this new reality. Time is freed up by the reduction of face-to-face meetings, and in the absence of time spent commuting. The lack of current assignments because of cancellations give more room for investment in personal development.

This makes a positive out of what is a challenging situation.

Since Studytube opened its online doors for free on Wednesday, 18th March, a 30% increase in online enrolments has been measured. This shows that professionals indeed make use of this time to increase their knowledge and skills and giving a boost to their sustainable employability and their professional future.

Why it’s crucial to offer e-learning opportunities to your staff

With the majority of your employees working from home, some studies might be delayed. This frees up more time to (re-)train necessary skills and knowledge.

Our latest webinar touched on the effects of COVID-19 in clinical trials at this time, but this is just one way we are committed to changing the face of clinical research training.

GCP Central offers a range of e-learning courses tailored explicitly for clinical research. With a centralized management system, you can ensure that your team is up to date with the latest GCP knowledge.

Even if they aren’t involved in frontline research, now is an excellent time to make sure your team is compliant and ready to begin once the crisis is over.

Purchasing GCP e-learning licenses is one thing, but what about a training platform branded to your business and unique needs?

Our white label system integrates easily into your learning management system, so you have the combined efficiency of your training system with the latest training from GCP Central.

Whether you’re a university, hospital, CRO, pharmaceutical, or biotech company – small or large- together, we are building a community ensuring better clinical research knowledge.

Now is the time to be GCP ready, and our aim is to give researchers across the world convenient and quality GCP training. Are you ready to take the next step? Get in touch and find out how our training system can take your research to the next level.