Sneak Peek: learning environment

Sneak Peek: learning environment

Our learning environment is getting more and more shape! Together with our partner BeSpeak we will design a GCP platform where you will find GCP training, cases, news and GCP experiences of others. From February 2015 you can put together your own GCP training through...
Substantive sessions with experts

Substantive sessions with experts

For the content of our GCP training we work together with doctors, researchers, medical directors, CRAs, auditors, research nurses and many others. Their experience, knowledge and daily dilemmas during clinical research, provide input to our cases and ensure that the...
Invest and build GCP Central

Invest and build GCP Central

In February 2015, we launched a unique learning environment. A platform with online training, practical cases of researchers, tools and a network of professionals. Interested parties can co-build with us by investing. For that you will not only get a return, but also...