Sneak Peek: News

Sneak Peek: News

With the learning environment we want to not only offer a place where you can follow GCP trainings, we want to provide an interactive platform for anyone who is involved in clinical research. It should be a place where we can exchange knowledge and experiences, can...
Sneak Peek: community

Sneak Peek: community

Last month we showed plans for the learning environment we are currently designing with BeSpeak. Meanwhile, the community feature has been worked on further. Often doctor/researchers say that they miss a place where they can ask experts or experts about a subject...
GCP Central to the psychologist

GCP Central to the psychologist

The Faculty of social and behavioural sciences, health-medical section and Neuropsychology (GMN) of Leiden University is working hard to set a quality standard for their research. GCP Central was invited to give a WMO / GCP training. Behavioral sciences research has...