by GCP Central | May 6, 2015 | GCP Central News
Our online and blended training meet the minimum requirements for ICH/GCP training courses for researchers and support staff. These requirements are drawn up by TransCelerate, an international cooperation of pharmaceutical companies. From now on their logo is on our...
by GCP Central | Jan 21, 2015 | GCP Central News
With the learning environment we want to not only offer a place where you can follow GCP trainings, we want to provide an interactive platform for anyone who is involved in clinical research. It should be a place where we can exchange knowledge and experiences, can...
by GCP Central | Dec 13, 2014 | GCP Central News
Last month we showed plans for the learning environment we are currently designing with BeSpeak. Meanwhile, the community feature has been worked on further. Often doctor/researchers say that they miss a place where they can ask experts or experts about a subject...
by GCP Central | Dec 5, 2014 | GCP Central News
PRAcarries out research into the safety and possibly the effect of medicines. Mainly with healthy volunteers and sometimes with patients. GCP Central was allowed to visit Zuidlaren, the specialized clinic where this type of research is carried out. We saw how Good...
by GCP Central | Dec 3, 2014 | GCP Central News
The Faculty of social and behavioural sciences, health-medical section and Neuropsychology (GMN) of Leiden University is working hard to set a quality standard for their research. GCP Central was invited to give a WMO / GCP training. Behavioral sciences research has...
by GCP Central | Nov 7, 2014 | GCP Central News
In mid-2016, the new European regulations will come into effect once the European database (the ‘portal’) is ready. From that moment on, the submission process for drug research will be aligned for all EU Member States. The idea is that the new regulation...